NZ Darknet Market Forums

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#1 Re: Vendor updates » BestNZgear Update Thread » 2024-08-27 15:00

Ativan 1mg Loraz
Ativan 2.5mg Loraz
Paxam 2mg Clonaz

Added enjoy

#2 Re: General discussion » Sending money to the market » 2024-08-27 15:00

Download edge wallet to phone, no KYC exchange coins for xmr . Send to market. Easyest way

#3 Re: General discussion » GermanWhite is a Dog » 2024-08-17 20:10

WhatsItFor wrote:

Cocaine Police. That is quite funny lol

The gear is the gear, buy it, try it, don't like it, move on until you find whatever works for you.

Cocaine prices have come down to a reasonable price now that more people can enjoy it, which means more people will buy it.

Nothing to be gained by kicking one another in the 8 balls imo

Haha yeah not bad. Hey Germanwhite can all us NZ vendors send you samples to test since you seem to be able to even test products you have never tryed. Your even better than a spectrometer. Its actually funny as he does not know who i am and i used to ship for him off my old two vendor accounts which were the biggest in NZ. This will get interesting. I dont start fights i finish them. Tick tok germ man

#4 Re: General discussion » GermanWhite is a Dog » 2024-08-17 06:00

Sorry Mate No one relised your the cocaine police. Of corse you have tryed every brick in the world. Slandering actual kiwi vendors when your a international drug cartel in another country is the dumbest move ive seen . People are laughing at your hahaha. Thanks for letting us see who you are tho :0

#5 General discussion » GermanWhite is a Dog » 2024-08-16 10:40

Replies: 8

Germanwhite Public Shaming  me an Actual NZ Vendor on his Page goes to show you the type of people these international vendors really are. He is obviously annoyed that our product has been selling more and getting better reviews. So hes trying to slander our product to grab some traction back. Anyone who has tryed any of our products will know this is a lie but its still very unprofessional and annoying. Just remember when you order from one of these international vendors the money goes back to cartels overseas he does not care about NZ people or community he just cares about money and that clearly shows in his post. Grow up GermanWhite competition is good. Stop acting like your Pablo Escobar & know everything about cocaine. News Flash your NZ shipping team will rip you and your customers soon and ill still be here sipping my L n P . Jog on Dog

#8 Product sourcing » Anyone after GHB » 2024-08-02 00:00

Replies: 0

We have access to 1 litre of great GHB. Would anyone be interested if we grab it and what price per ml and we will see if it will work. Thanks

#9 Re: Product sourcing » Sourcing Pregabalin. » 2024-08-01 20:30

tumasdown12 wrote:
FarmerJohn wrote:

Very interesting. I couldn't find any listing on global sources, but i did on trade wheel. Any way to know someone is legit?

My bad I mixed up my Chinese wholesale sites.

It was this one I saw it on.

Thanks for that!

listing 300mg for you tonight $8 ea

#10 Re: Product sourcing » Fuck these coke prices » 2024-08-01 20:30

yes not worth risk importing coke at the moment. Its half the price here than Australia. Unheard of. Our coke is fire for the price...

#11 Re: Vendor updates » BestNZgear Update Thread » 2024-07-30 00:30

Tramadol listed

300mg NZ pharma pregablin listing soon

#12 Re: Product sourcing » Sourcing Pregabalin. » 2024-07-28 22:00

tumasdown12 wrote:
BestNZgear wrote:

Hi there

We can get them, Just not sure if worth it. Whats each 300mg cap worth. We may buy for you.


Thanks for the reply. For 300mg capsules id be happy to pay 8-12 a pill? I pay $50 for 14  150mg capsules locally but i understand thats quite cheap, what range are you looking to sell say if i bought 2 cards of 28 capsules?

No worries. We have placed order. Waiting on our pharma guy. Getting pfizer 300mg i beileve and then will list them for you.

Nz Gear

#13 Re: Vendor updates » BestNZgear Update Thread » 2024-07-22 20:50

Listing Tramadol next couple days

#14 Re: Product sourcing » Sourcing Pregabalin. » 2024-07-22 20:50

Hi there

We can get them, Just not sure if worth it. Whats each 300mg cap worth. We may buy for you.


#15 Product sourcing » Oxynorm Liquid 5mg / 5ml Anyone interested » 2024-07-16 22:20

Replies: 0

We got a NZ liquid oxy pharma bottle, 5ml / 5mg

Is anyone interested if we list it on Arch and what price.

Also got methadone Liquid if anyone is interested. Shoot us a ml Price.

#16 Re: Product sourcing » 4-MMC Request » 2024-07-16 22:20

We have 3mmc listed on arch. I also have perso stash on 7g 4mmc i could be  tempted to sell. Very good stuff


#17 Vendor updates » BestNZgear Update Thread » 2024-07-16 21:00

Replies: 6

Hi Guys

Currently Selling on Arch only.

Current items  For Sale :

Cocaine Fishscale
Ketamine ISO
XTC pills
Clonazepam 0.5mg

We Ship Full Escrow NZ to NZ only. Tracking numbers can be provided.

We only sell Pure quality products and our customers can vouch this. As well as best prices

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